PotatoTips & Techniques

Bake it! Grill it! Microwave it! There are many tricks to speeding up your spuds and you’re in the right place to learn how to do just that. Plus a whole lot more! Need leftover ideas? We got ‘em! Where should you store potatoes? Find out by clicking below. Interested in delicious recipes, see our Potato Recipes page.

Storage and handling

  1. When buying fresh potatoes, choose those that are clean, smooth and firm. Look out for bruises, cuts and discoloration which happen when they’re not handled properly.
  2. Store them in a cool, well-ventilated place away from light and heat. Keep them away from sunny countertops and appliances that warm up.
  3. Paper bags or perforated plastic bags can help potatoes last longer during storage.
  4. Avoid refrigerating them. This will make the potato’s starch turn to sugar and cause discoloration. If you must refrigerate, bring the potatoes to room temperature before cooking.
  5. Wash potatoes only when you’re ready to use them. Dampness will bring early spoilage.

Cooking tips

There are many ways to prepare and enjoy potatoes. They can be baked, roasted, fried, grilled or sliced up for salads. Here’s how you can get the most from your potatoes when cooking.

  1. Rinse fresh potatoes well before cooking. This helps remove excess starch which then improves the texture and mouthfeel of your potato dishes.
  2. Why soak potatoes in cold water before cooking? This helps remove the excess starch which can prevent the potatoes from cooking evenly. It also prevents a gummy texture from forming on the outside of potatoes.
  3. Preserve the color of cut potatoes by storing them in cold water and add lemon juice or a little vinegar. Limit water soaking to two hours to retain water-soluble vitamins.
  4. Need to cook potatoes fast? Cut them into smaller pieces. Mashed potatoes, for example, can be made faster by cutting them into quarters before boiling.
  5. Mashed potatoes can be prepared with toppings like fresh herbs, gravy, cheese, sauces, cooked proteins or even crispy onion strings. But they can also be prepared with stir-in’s like buffalo sauce, green chilis, sour cream, crispy bacon, wasabi, cheese or cooked vegetable purées.
  6. To get roasted potatoes crunchy on the outside and creamy on the inside, preheat your convection oven to 450˚ F (232˚ C). Do not touch the potatoes once they are in the oven for the next 20 minutes or so. The heat and time frame are important to getting them nice and crispy.
  7. To boil potatoes for salad, soak your sliced potatoes in cold water for 15 minutes before rinsing. Place them in a large pot and cover the potatoes in cold water. Add some salt, some sugar and some vinegar. Bring the potatoes to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Continue to cook 25 to 35 minutes or until they are fork-tender.
  8. Nearly every mashed potato recipe can also use U.S. dehydrated potato formats like flakes or granules. Since water, milk or butter can be used to hydrate them, consider reducing other liquid in your recipe to achieve the desired consistency.
  9. When using frozen potatoes for fried food recipes, you can get the best results by frying them without thawing.
  10. Peeling or not peeling potatoes boils down to your personal preference. While potato skins carry a percentage of nutrients, keeping them on also influences the dish’s taste and texture. In general, peel them for dishes that are creamy or delicate. Keep them on for dishes that are filling or have a rustic texture.