Potato Types

Yellow Potatoes


Learn more about yellow potato calories and nutritional value.  We also provide links to our favorite yellow potato recipes, including Grilled Potato Planks and Yellow Scalloped Potatoes.

Appearance: marble to large size; round or oblong shape; light tan to golden skin; yellow to golden flesh
Texture: slightly waxy, velvety, moist
Flavor: subtly sweet; rich; buttery; medium-sugar content
Preferred uses: grilling, roasting, mashing, salads

Grilling gives yellow potatoes a crispy skin that enhances the dense flesh, creating a slightly sweet caramelized flavor. The creamy texture and golden color of yellow potatoes mean you can use less or no butter for lighter, healthier dishes. The naturally smooth and buttery texture also lends itself well to lighter versions of baked, roasted or mashed potatoes. Simmer yellow potatoes until fully cooked, then drain, chill, and gently “smash” into flat disks. Brown these in oil or clarified butter and serve as a side or appetizer topped with sour cream and chives or other garnishes. For more information, watch Potato Types and Tips: Yellow Potatoes below.


One yellow potato (approximately 5.2 ounces in size) has 110 calories and is an excellent source of potassium (more than a banana) and vitamin C.  Yellows are also a good source of vitamin B6 and are fat, sodium and cholesterol free.

For more recipe ideas, please see our Yellow Potatoes Recipes.